Power of touch


Is the secret of skincare in balancing the mind, body and spirit? That's the message behind former model Evelyn Subramaniam's skincare line Bija Essence (bijaessence.com). With four purposeful oils named Rise, Revive, Rejoice and Rest, she's our guru in natural beauty.

What can be done for women's problem areas?
As we age, our skin (loses) elasticity, brilliance, and blood and oxygen circulation that facilitates (the accumulation of) fat cells. So I use anti-aging and natural oils to firm and tone with massaging.

Advice for dry skin?
Make sure your products are natural! Think of it like feeding your body healthy food.

Quick beauty fixes?
Oils give my skin a childlike glow. And I exercise every day, even if only for 10 minutes, and drink lot of water!

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